Mosquito Remediation

Envirtec Pakistan > Mosquito Remediation

Mosquito Remediation

Dengue fever is a painful, debilitating mosquito-borne disease caused by any one of four closely related dengue viruses. These viruses are related to the viruses that cause West Nile infection and yellow fever. Each year, an estimated 100 million cases of dengue fever occur worldwide.

Dengue fever is transmitted by the bite of an Aedes mosquito infected with a dengue virus. The mosquito becomes infected when it bites a person with dengue virus in their blood. It can’t be spread directly from one person to another person.

Malaria is transmitted by the female Anopheles mosquitoes, and more than 60 species have been linked with the transmission of the infection (there are about430 species of Anopheles and about 3500 species of mosquito’s altogether).Some species are more significant than others as vectors because of variations in susceptibility to the parasite or the propensity of the mosquito to bite humans and to enter houses when looking for a blood meal.

Both male and female mosquitoes feed on nectar and damaged fruits. But onlyfemale feed on animal blood to provide proteins for their eggs. The adult mosquito survives for between one week and one month. Females lay their eggs in batches of 70-100 on the surface of water at night. The type of water used for egg laying is indicative of the mosquito species and includes irrigation channels, pools of water in tree trunks, and sewage effluent. In tropical temperatures the eggs hatch after two to three days. The larvae lie just below the surface of the water and feed on algae, and after 7-14 days turn into pupae during a five-minute process. The pupa is comma-shaped and is the least active stage of the Anopheles lifecycle. After two to four days the pupa metamorphoses into an adult mosquito. The adults emerge during late evening and are able to fly within minutes.

Biological Solution

Historically the most effective way to wipe out or control malaria was through the use of DDT with its environmental damaging consequences and unhealthy side effects. DDT was sprayed over large areas covering mostly water refuges used by mosquito and was highly effective. Regrettably it poisoned many other creatures and living organisms including humans.

The learnt lesson was that it was important to make an uncomfortable environment for the mosquito without damaging its surroundings or effecting anything or anyone else. If the female mosquito cannot find a suitable place to lay eggs, it will normally not lay eggs. If eggs are laid, the larvae need a food source and thrive on algae in order to survive. By removing the algae, the larvae starve to death. That is the real key to the remedial action.

Envirmix Mozziology

ENVIRMIX MOZZIOLOGY is the product developed through 40 years of research by a group of scientists across four continents. It consists of a group of totally natural bacteria that compete for food and reproduction in the natural world. It is safe, very aggressive and works really fast. Once MOZZI-OLOGY is released into the environment, it searches for food and competes directly with the nutrients required by larvae for its survival. Once sprayed in the garden around a home, school or park, it will create a no go area for mosquito, either to lay eggs or take a rest. The product is harmless to all other living organisms as it is an integral part of nature’s balance.

Unlike zappers, chemical products or traps, MOZZIOLOGY only targets mosquitoes. This natural competition is focused on the mosquito’s food requirements and its ability to breed in clear and polluted waters where food is found. All human, marine and plant plant life is unaffected in any way.

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