Envirmix Odour

Envirtec Pakistan > Envirmix Odour

Envirmix Odour

Envirmix Odour is a natural bacterial product that competes aggressively for food with the bacteria’s that produces smells in the process of decaying. The two major smells produced by decomposition are Ammonia (NH3) and Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) amongst others. 

In order to decompose organic inert matter with no odour emission, a dose of natural bacteria in the form of Envirmix must be sprayed on the inert organic matter.


Often on odour emitting inert organic matter, deep penetration into the stated matter is often difficult if not impossible. Therefore Envirmix Odour is applied on all surface of the above-described matter. If the matter is liquid as in raw sewage or blood, upon application of Envirmix Odour, the smell will abate within seconds and be eliminated in minutes. However if the said liquid is stirred, another surface application is necessary immediately to once more abate and eliminate the smell. For as long as Envirmix Odour is applied to the surface of any smell, the smell will be controlled.

The above can be applied on all organic inert matters including animal remains, carcasses, sewage, blood and the likes. Envirmix Odour is a fast decomposition group of natural bacteria and it masks the smell. Total odour elimination is therefore possible with Envirmix Odour.

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