
Envirtec Pakistan > Agriculture


ENVIRMIX is a liquid azotic (substance containing nitrogen) organo-mineral bio- fertilizer, which provides plants with everything they require when they demand it. It revitalizes the soil by restoring microbial activity, which naturally increases the overall arability of the land.

Agriculture elements which ENVIRMIX fertilizers enhance are:

  • Contributes carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids and bio-catalysts
  • Improves size of fruit homogeneously
  • Increases the specific weight
  • Strengthens supporting plant tissues
  • Stimulates maturation of chloroplasts
  • Reduces synthesis time of chlorophyll and photosynthetic enzymes
  • Stimulates the plant’s immune system
  • Improves resistance to climatic adversity and drought
  • Drastically reduces stress due to transplanting
  • Increases efficiency of insecticides and fungicides
  • Improves development of the pollen tube
  • Increases resistance to diseases
  • Greater and more rapid growth
  • Increased production and increase dimensions of the fruit
  • Rapid vegetative regeneration in the event of damages due to neglect, diseases, frost, hail, insects etc.
  • Enhances root development
  • Enhances resistance to cold
  • Improves absorption and the translocation of calcium
  • Strengthens the bark and increases the firmness of the fruit
  • Improves resistance to transportation and preservability
  • Increases the thickness of the cellular membranes
  • Yields firmer, more compact fruit and a more elastic and resistant peel
  • Reduces splitting phenomena and rotting of the fruit
  • Stimulates the enzymatic processes and synthesis of the tryptophane
  • Reduces the expected fruit fall
  • Reduces need for pesticides and fungicides
  • Improves synthesis of sugars
  • Enhances photosynthesis
  • Encourages the presence of useful insects
  • Favors vegetative regeneration on crops hit by hail
  • Favors the function and development of supporting tissue
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Compatible with pesticides and herbicides that are not alkaline or mineral oil based. It is a nitrogenated organo-mineral fertilizer with micro elements that is suitable for fertilization of all crops, the presence of enzymes, amino acids, proteins and organic carbon subjected to slow bio-development guarantees rapid and increased cuticular and somatic absorption as well as a rapid transposition in the tissues. The presence of microelements prevents and cures any micro deficiency. The nitrogen present in protein, peptide, amino acid and ureal form nourishes without causing imbalances.

Plant Diseases:

The multiplication of the beneficial bacteria acts in an antagonistic and repressive way towards the phytopathogenic microorganisms, particularly present in soils lacking humus.

The mechanism of this antagonistic/repressive action towards the phytopathogenic microorganisms can be summarized as follows:


1: Micro parasitism:

Occurs when the lyses of the cell of fungi and pathogen mildew or nematodes through enzymatic activity are attacked. 

2: Soil sanitation:

Occurs with the entry of toxic metabolites for the pathogen microorganisms, such as phenols, tannins, chlorogenic acid and auxins (biochemical resistance)

3: Food competition:

This action takes place by the new microorganisms devouring the existing food source present in the soil by the new microorganisms, which they subtract from the pathogens.

4: Strengthening of the threshold resistance:

Promote the structural thickening of the tissues of the epicuticular layers of protection of the leaves and roots that impede penetration into the plant.

The mechanism:

The stimulation of the bacterial activity allows the beneficial (ENVIRMIX) microorganisms to occupy spaces in the plant and the surrounding soil in a complex series of physical, chemical and biological reactions that act against the agent that cause plant diseases.

  • Reduction of the spaces which are normally occupied by pathogens
  • Creation of biological antagonistic control of pathogens
  • Accentuation in the reaction of the plant’s immune system
  • Stimulation of the production Phytoalexin


  • More efficient defense against parasitic insects due to the plant strengthening
  • Fungal preventive action to confront the infections due to Mycogone and Verticillum
  • Rot control in seedbeds caused by Pythium & Phytophothra.
  • Basal rot control of vegetable crops, agricultural and ornamental due to Phycomycete and Ri- zoctomia, Sclerotium, Sclerotinia, Botrytis etc.
  • Reduction in the incidence of vascular diseases responsible for the withering caused by Fusari- um and Verticillum.
  • Preventive and curative action in the arboreal cultures (orchards, urban greenery, citrus etc.) as well as forestal fragrances towards the responsible agents for branch cancer (Nectria, Cytospora, Phopsis etc.). Also towards radical attacks due to Basidiomycetes (Armillaria, Fomes, Stereum, etc.) It will also protect pruning cuts from been penetrated by pathogenic fungi.

Root Vegetables:

All the products generated by plants depend on the chlorophyll’s utilization of the sun’s energy. Photosynthesis transforms carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, water and minerals (azotic compounds, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.) into living organic material. This process is influenced by the following factors:

  • Number of leaves.
  • Size of leaves.
  • Number of chloroplasts and their efficiency.
  • Quantity of chlorophyll.
  • Availability and assimilability of the nourishing elements.
  • Water availability.
  • Temperature.

As ENVIRMIX increases the abundance and size of the leaves it directly stimulates the production of chlorophyll that in turn builds up the number of chloroplasts while increasing their efficiency. With a greater surface area exposed to sunlight more energy is captured. This energy is utilized more effectively now because the principle nutrients are available and assimilable and the chlorophyll has its chloroplasts working at maximum efficiency. In these conditions crops can grow stronger in all aspects, in particular:

  • Cells are larger.
  • Cuticles are thicker and stronger, thus less vulnerable to disease and phytophagous (insect) attacks.
  • Lymphatic vessels get bigger letting the lymph circulate easier, thus consuming less energy.
  • Plant fibres expand in size due to the increased levels of sugars, cellulose fibres, lignin, vitamins, mineral salts, organic acids, etc.

Soil Restoration with Nature:

Soil degradation is when soil deteriorates because of human activity and loses its quality and productivity. It happens when soil loses its nutrients, or its organic matter. It also happens when the soil structure breaks down, or if the soil becomes toxic from pollution. Simply, it is the breakdown of soil particles. When the humus level falls below 1%, the beneficial microorganisms can no longer survive and disappear totally. At that point, plant growth is severely compromised.

The situation mentioned above can be reversed; the degraded soil can become productive again. Often the main culprit of soil degradation is the inconsiderate and prolonged use of chemical products like urea, DAP, weed killers, fungicides and insecticides over a long period of time.

Apply ENVIRMIX Universal Plus, diluted with water at a ratio of 200:1

This application takes place 30 days after the ground preparation application.

Planting or seeding can now take place.

Repeat step three months later if possible.

All of the above products can be applied via the existing irrigation system (if any).


Levels of organic matter must be maintained in the ground. This is generally achieved by allowing all organic matter to remain in the field during harvesting. It can also be added in the form of straw or hay. Each time organic matter is added to the soil, it is recommended that Envirmix Bio be applied.These are guidelines and variants will be applied according to the soils requirements.

Trees with Envirmix:

When trees are planted artificially in selected plantations to produce products such as cellulose or simply timber for construction, certain problems arise in both the nurseries and in the plantation itself. (Fruit trees are excluded from this presentation due to their annual crop cycle).

Over a period of time any mono crops will suffer from a series of illnesses, deficiencies and soil tiredness. The continuous use of fertilization may also contribute to the above mentioned negative effects. Opportunistic plant illnesses will strike large sections of the plantation, provoking plant loss and therefore financial losses.

In plantations that have produced timber, many stumps are in the ground. The stumps present a multitude of problems, such as decreasing the levels of available Nitrogen due its decomposition, reducing ground space for new trees or vehicular traffic etc.

To remove large number of stumps in often difficult terrain may not be practical.

The ENVIRMIX solution is what nature does best, which is a decomposition of the entire stump and roots, although accelerated.

Vinasse with Envirmix:

Vinasse, for its chemical and organoleptic characteristics becomes an excellent natural agricultural fertilizer when biologically treated.

The fusion of Vinasse with ENVIRMIX Micromix provokes, bacterial, enzymatic and fungal activity within Vinasse, thus transforming the organic substance into a humus substance,increasing mineral and nutritional assimilation, regenerating soil; thereby avoiding soil fatigue.

With this approach we avoid plant nutritional stresses as the organic substance plus the microorganisms activity, make the mineral nutrients available to the plant upon request. Furthermore these microorganisms fix 100 Kg of Nitrogen per hectare, extracting same from the atmosphere which leads to a financial and logistical saving.

Ethanol production is rising worldwide and Vinasse is a highly toxic treacle like waste effluent. Worldwide, Vinasse disposal by means of dehydration, gasification, fertilization and many other methods have only been marginally successful. In essence biological conversion solves both the ecological and the fertilization problems. At Envirtec we have a comprehensive solution to convert a highly toxic effluent into a highly nutritional plant food with one treatment.

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